Tuesday, August 08, 2006

Zoe's biography

I'm Zoe Strauss.
I was born on April 1, 1970 in Philadelphia, PA. Except for 2 years in Nevada when I was a kid, I have lived in Philadelphia for my entire life.

I live in South Philly with my partner of 17 years, the #1 lady of all time, Lynn Bloom.
I have 2 younger brothers, Cosmo Baker and Walker Roberts, and a younger sister, Savannah Roberts. My mom, Ilene Baker, lives a few blocks from me. I have lucked out with having a great family, including my extended family and my in-laws.

There are a million things I'm interested in. Maybe more than one million. However, I have narrowed down my top interests for sake of this biography.

The Cold War
American History, particularly 1930's to present
Contemporary Art
Coal Mining
South Philly
Political Activism
Jungian Theory, myths and the Andrew Lang Fairy Books

Right now, I'm working on this 10 year long photography project and I'm in the 6th year of it. This last year I blew up with total fanciness in my art career.

First, in 2005, I got a Pew Fellowship.

Then check my roster for this last year-

Day for Night: Whitney Biennial
Summer Vacation, a group show at the Philadelphia Museum of Art
"This is America," a group show at the Centraal Museum in Utrecht, Netherlands
A solo show at Acuna-Hansen gallery in Los Angeles
Under I-95 in South Philly
And, of course, a solo show at the Philadelphia Institute of Contemporary Art on the ramp.


So, it's through the ICA that I've come to this project. Ms. Johanna Plummer conceived this project and asked me to be a part of it and I am thrilled and honored that she did.

Favorite Food- Salmon
Favorite Candy Bar- Symphony in the blue wrapper
Favorite Color- Orange
Favorite Coffee Shop- The Bean Cafe
Least Favorite President- George Bush, Jr


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